Ep 130 - AdVance Your Leadership with Garland Vance, PhD

Garland Vance has a PhD in leadership. Literally. Garland has helped industry-giant Rollins build and develop their leadership pipeline. Keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and author of Gettin’ (un)Busy, Garland can now add The Boardroom Buzz guest to his resumé 😉. Hear how Fat Pat met Garland at Arizona Pest Professional Organization’s (AzPPO) Great Western Conference.

It goes without saying - leadership isn’t easy - but is there such a thing as a born leader? From clarity to consistency, Garland shares the traits that you need to lead. Garland breaks down strengths and weaknesses to expose both as potential liabilities. There are a few gut checks in this sit-down, including what causes organizational whiplash.

Quick word of advice…before you press play, go ahead and lookup the definition for intertemporally.

Audio Mixing and Editing by www.verbell.ltd

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